I finally got to watch my first ever ballet last night and it was The Nutcracker, a famous Christmas ballet. May and I had bought tickets on the very first day that early bird tickets were available and scored really good seats just a few rows away from the stage which cost us H$680 apiece.

For some reason, there was terrible traffic on my way to the location, so I was a bit late, but luckily, after parking us for a little bit in an area with a TV showing what was happening on stage, they ushered all latecomers in during an appropriate moment.
This was our view of the stage:

During intermission, we snuck out and managed to take a lot of pictures outside before the bigger crowd at the end of the ballet.

We enjoyed the ballet. I loved the famous dance of the sugar plum fairy but also a lot of the magical dance sequences which involved falling leaves or snow. Also, this version had some portions that were tweaked for Hong Kong. I have not seen the original so can’t be sure which ones those were, but I guess it was those that involved a Hong Kong junk boat and dragon dancing.
But I have to say though that I still prefer musicals over this. There is just something more evocative about lyrics. When I watch musicals, I usually get moved to tears and feel compelled to find the soundtrack and play it ad nauseum for the next days or weeks, but no such compulsion happened here.
Still, I’m glad I got to experience it!

Afterwards, we walked around Tsim Tsa Tsui, then May and Mico brought me to Sing Lum Khui Rice Noodle, their favourite noodle place, for dinner. The noodle dish was really good, no wonder!

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