The HK government finally lifted some of the Covid-19 fifth wave restrictions last Thursday the 21st (why Thursday, I wonder?), so a lot of people were very excited to go out and do “revenge shopping” after 2 months of restriction.
My friend May asked me if I wanted to join her at Dior in Landmark to look at their fall collection last Saturday, and I agreed, not because I was planning to buy anything, but because I just wanted to meet up and have dinner at a restaurant afterwards – this was something which had not been allowed since February.
Fun fact: one of my favorite malls back in Makati City, Philippines was called Landmark. But unlike Hong Kong’s Landmark, that one holds more affordable goods, that was why I frequented it for non-designer clothes, shoes, bags, and whatever. Meanwhile in HK, Landmark is where Nicole Kidman was spotted last year when she caused a controversy for being allowed into HK without having to go through a 21 day quarantine.
A sales assistant showed us Dior’s new bags, mostly different designs of book totes. May really loved the large leather brown one but the hefty price tag (I think 37k hkd) gave her pause.

The standard canvas book totes are around 27k hkd. But even though another friend swears how great they are, I can’t afford it! So a few months ago, I just made do with the Mark Jacobs the tote bag in monogram print which is more affordable at 3390 hkd.

We were also shown upstairs where they kept the shoes and couture. I loved how opulent the fitting room looked, with the furs on the racks, the comfortable couches, and huge mirrors against the walls behind rows of shoes.

I saw a cute coin purse that I liked, but again it was out of the price range I was willing to part with, so later when I got home I jumped on Vestiaire Collective where I found a second hand version of it at 400 hkd. Score!
Cafe Landmark
After Dior, we headed to Cafe Landmark where we had a dinner reservation.
We ordered pan fried foie gras, Thai pomelo salad, and Wagyu beef burger for sharing. I was delighted with how delicious the food was, especially the foie gras, which was also a bigger portion than I expected.

I also had an iced mango mint tea but I was not a fan. It tasted like a bag of Lipton iced tea mixed with a can of Gina mango nectar.

I did not really end up doing much “revenge shopping” that day, but it does feel nice to finally be able to dine out for dinners in restaurants again!
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