My friend May invited me to go to an event called An Unsolved Heist theatre dinner at Popinjays, the rooftop restaurant at The Murray. I said yes because I was intrigued. I love heists and mysteries and based on the description, it seemed that the audience would be involved in the play.
We were asked to wear black and gold, so on the day, which was the 29th of September, I changed into my outfit at the office bathroom before heading to the venue.

The meal started off with a delicious grape cocktail of some sort.

Then we had a five course dinner, the pièce de résistance of which was the golden egg, named after the missing golden egg which was at the center of the heist story.

The story was this: a golden egg worth 50 million dollars was put up for auction at a hotel, but right after it was sold to the highest bidder, it went missing from the hotel vault. Detective Black investigates 4 suspects in front of the dinner guests and invites them to ask questions as well, so they could help him figure out who stole the golden egg and why.
All 5 characters were played by actors who talked in character in the middle of the dining room so that we could all listen to them and take notes.
At the beginning, May and I had a completely different suspect. But then one of the guests asked a question which made us realize who the suspicious person really was. So when we were asked to write down our answers of a piece of paper which they had provided, I explained in great detail and even ended it by saying: “He had the motive, means, and opportunity to do it.” I mean, I love detective shows. Of course I had to slot that in!
Right before dessert, Detective Black revealed who the criminal was, and just like in detective shows, the criminal owned up to it and did a monologue.
Detective Black then said “This was guessed by – ” (pause for dramatic effect) ” – the ladies at this table!”
“Oh my God, that’s us!” we realized in stunned silence.
Someone then showed up with police hats for us to wear and toy handcuffs for us to put on the “criminal” and had us lead him away to “jail” while everyone cheered. You can watch it on video below.

May and I were so chuffed about the whole thing but I gotta be honest – while we did guess the who and how, we didn’t get the why correctly.
But we think that maybe we were the ones who came the closest, or maybe my essay was the best written one because I have always been good with essays. After all, I am a blogger. Duh. 😜
Overall, we thought it was a fun experience but probably a bit too pricey for us to do again.
Still, I’m glad we gave it a shot because we were pretty sure that we wouldn’t even guess it right. The last time we did something that involved solving a mystery, we did not even come close to solving it. To be fair, that one was a lot more complicated and was kind of like a Pokemon Go and Cluedo and Harry Potter merged into one kind of activity. Below is a photo of us at that event from last year.

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