I helped organize a halloween party in our office last Friday night and it was a success!

I made the sign for the fridge because we wanted to dissuade people from getting the drinks before the party started. 😆
Aside from treats and drinks, we had a couple of costume contests. For the first one, we asked people to send in pictures of their kids, pets or selves in costume and then we asked everyone to vote for their top 3. I submitted pics of my cat and myself in a The Devil Wears Prada costume.

My devil entry was one of the 3 winners! Whoopee! I won $300 in vouchers.

Our second costume contest was for people who wore costumes to the event. We asked all who came in costume to come to the front and for the audience to cheer as their way of voting.
The ones who got the most cheers? The pumpkin and me. They decided that we would be a tie. I had made a “Best in Costume” sash for this, so I slung it on the pumpkin. Then I split $500 vouchers with her.

We also decided to give a Best Dressed Team award. I made them a certificate using Canva.
Everyone had fun eating and drinking and playing games and singing and dancing and talking. I’m glad we decided to do this instead of keeping this budget to buy raffle draw prizes for only one event at the end of the year!
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