Last night, I watched Stardust on Netflix. It’s one of my all time favorite rom com fantasy adventure films, and I was thrilled that it still held up after all these years, because a lot of movies age like milk.

So I posted about it on my Instagram stories and my friend Zenie replied to say that she loves this movie, too.
I told her that I think we watched this in the cinema together, because I seem to remember the both of us having the same reaction of surprise when Tristan turned handsome later on.
To confirm my memory, I looked into my diary and found this entry:
Anyway, since we did not push through, I made plans with Zenie instead. We had dinner at Mongolian Pit Stop in Waltermart where I had a bowl of their mixed veggies and meat with spicy sauce. We also tried their chicken barbecue which came highly recommended by Gay. Both were yummy.
After dinner we rode a jeep to Landmark where we shopped for clothes. Then I got the idea of getting a haircut because I did not like my damaged strands. So off we went to Bench Fix salon, and while on the escalator, Nald saw and joined us, and the three of us got haircuts together. So now my hair’s really short.
After that, we headed to Glorietta 4 to watch the movie Stardust. It turned out to be really great movie! There were funny and touching and romantic scenes. It was a fantasy love story based on a novel.
I sent it to Zenie and she said:

“And we did that all at night,” I pointed out, after I noticed that I had said we had gone to dinner.
“Where did we get the energy???” Zenie reacted.
Where, indeed?
That’s just one of the things that sucks about being old. 😅
And what are the other things? My friends and I tackle them in a podcast episode I produced called: “This is 40: Expectations vs Reality.” You can listen to it below.
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