I joined a Halloween-themed tram party on Friday the 13th. A tram party involves a group of max 30 people renting a special tram with lights which drives around Hong Kong island for a couple of hours while they party.
I dressed up as my go-to costume – the devil wears Prada. For years I’ve made my “Prada” necklace by printing out the logo and taping it up to a necklace to wear around my neck, but this time I finally bought a real necklace.

Others on the tram had more creative costumes, though, like a woman who had a creepy-looking white eyeball and this guy who dressed up as a building.

After the two hours were done, we headed to Insomnia, a club in LKF which had a live band which played really catchy tunes that I actually knew. We danced for a while, before I had to go home because I was too sleepy. It was a fun night overall.
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