Our Christmas party was held at our friend Beulah’s flat. We ordered Filipino food from Bedanas and The Fat Kusina. We thought TFK’s food were all delicious, especially the palabok. We ordered way too much and had to “Sharon” (from the lyrics “balutin mo ako…”) or take home a lot of leftovers at the end of the night.

Beulah had seen an Instagram reel of a smores machine, so she ordered it on Amazon and I bought the smores ingredients. I was surprised to find that it’s very difficult to find graham crackers in Hong Kong. Luckily, Beulah was in the Philippines and managed to buy some there. We had fun with the machine before it quickly broke, which I suspect is because it was on US voltage which isn’t compatible with Hong Kong. We continued to use it by lighting tea candles and putting it in the machine, so we could still roast marshmallows and heat up lumpia.

We then exchanged gifts. The theme I suggested was gifts for titos/titas (uncles/aunties), and some people took it comically. Beulah won the night with her gift of all sorts of medicines for older people.

We then played Taboo, and we had a lot of laughs as we always do. I even managed to capture one of them – about Eden cheese – on video. In the end, our team Cokodeemay won, though we’re not sure how.
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