I am so proud of myself for finally managing to finish reading a book after who knows how long. I did a whole post about how this is a problem for a lot of former bookworms nowadays because our attention was stolen.
I actually came across the book at a shop called Bookazine in Central. I was there to buy Valentine’s candies for my friends and was intrigued by the title, which I find very relatable because, well, let’s just say it describes me.

When I read the blurb at the back, I realized that the names of the characters – Nell and Cricket – sounded familiar. I remembered that those are the same names of the characters on the TV series called Not Dead Yet which is on Disney Plus. So I googled, and sure enough – the series is based on this book! I liked the series, so that sealed the deal – I bought the book along with candy hearts, Galentines cards, twizzlers, and Combos.

It turns out the book is a lot different from the series – which has Nell seeing the ghosts of those she is assigned to write an obituary on.
They’re both nice in their own way, though, so it’s best to just think of them as two completely different stories.
What I like about the books is that it’s funny, relatable, and heartwarming – I cried at some portions. It gave me realizations while reading it. Nell is like me in some ways – forty-something, single, podcast host. Her story made me glad that unlike her, I have a decent job and don’t have to share a flat with a stranger.
I also really enjoyed how Nell ended each chapter with a list of things she is grateful for. So now I’m restarting that habit as well, because looking for positive things to write about as I go through the day helps me improve my overlook outlook of my life.
And oh – I knew that the book was off to a great start when I read this before the prologue:

Today I am grateful for:
- Another public holiday
- The cleaning lady
- Le Petit Saigon’s delicious banh mi
- A boss who is understanding about my f##k up at work, and my own wisdom/experience to know that I should own up to it
Congrats on finishing the book! It’s about how long you finished it. As long as you enjoyed it. I’ll check this out. Thank you.