Back in 2021, my friends Dred, Jemma and I talked about where we would like to be in 3 years, as inspired by the HIMYM episode called “Trilogy Time.”

I forgot about this until recently when I was searching for something else on my blog and stumbled upon it.
This year is the 3 years from then that we had wanted to imagine, and I was floored when I realized that Dred and I had kind of manifested our lives today. She now lives in a house near the beach. As for me, I’m in Canada now, finally! Not in Montreal, but Toronto – so it’s close enough – and actually better, because Toronto was my real target and I only wanted to go to Toronto coz my friends Dred & Tyne were there but now they’re not.
I also finally have a jowa. He has not met Dred’s boyfriend yet so I don’t know if they will get along or not, but they’re both local Canadians so hopefully they will? He did meet Tyne and other friends at a Christmas party yesterday, and they all liked him, especially Tyne’s mom, who even asked him to call her mama. I said, she didn’t even ask me to call her that! 😆
And while I have not been to Dred’s particular strip of beach, she and I did have a reunion here in Toronto last August when she flew here for a week to welcome me to Canada. She’s so sweet!
And so, after I made this discovery, I told her and Jemma and Tyne about it and we decided to redo the manifesting where we wanna be in three years time. Jemma did not reply but here’s from everyone else:

Let’s check back again in 2027!
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