It always interests me to know what people think about me. Not that I need to win their approval or anything, I just need a self confidence boost every now and then. The Johari Window provides just that. Here are my results. Arena (known to self and others) cheerful, confident, independent, witty Blind Spot (known […]
Unfinished Business
Another project of Performing Musician’s Guild (PMG), an org in our company, is to host voice and guitar lessons. They were both held today, and despite typhoon signal number one, I dragged myself to the office to attend them both. In the morning we had voice lessons. All my team mates (from cluster 3) — Jo, […]
Ode to Mothers
Zenie’s mom and her sister are here in Manila for a three-week vacation. They are staying over at our apartment during the entire duration. On their first day, you could already detect a difference in the apartment. And it has remained so eversince. The apartment’s actually clean! The floors are free of dust, the sink […]
Looking at my Neighbors
My mom has one story she always keeps telling me, and I do remember the scene quite well. I was still a child and we were standing in our house yard, looking out the fence towards our neighbors houses. Then I turned to my mom and asked, “Mi, pobre ba ta?” (Mom, are we poor?) […]
Common Topics and Realizations
Whenever we housemates gather around the dinner table, infront of the tv, or in the bedroom, we always find something to talk about. I just noticed that some topics are usual. Like when we gather round the table to eat, expect either of two topics to emerge. The “I can’t believe I used to hate […]
Preserving Memories
When I went home over the holidays, one of the things I was looking forward to was the chance to browse through my old memories again – my diaries and other old stuff in my room. I should have seen it as a bad sign when my mom told me she had given away all […]
Independence Day
One more full day and I’ll be off to my hometown. My first time to go back after seventeen months. I feel so excited, but suddenly the thing that had been nagging me at the back of my head comes to the surface this morning when my fellow housemate who had just arrived in our […]
Happy Birthday Maya!
I first met Maya six years ago when we became classmates in College. My first impression of this girl was that she was a tomboy because of her clothes (big shirts, boy-cut pants, rubber shoes & backpack) and her “siga” stance. Now, anyone looking at the present Maya would probably have a hard time imagining […]
Solo Value Meal
Yesterday for some reason, I got very hungry early. So hungry that my head was beginnning to pound. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I told my lunchmates in our YM conference that we should all meet at 12 sharp at the 19th floor for lunch and if they weren’t there, I was going to […]
Tatay’s Tales
My friend Nald has had several interesting experiences while working in Manila. Gay and I were talking about them and I just wanted to recount them here. Boxing Arena. He was in Quiapo to buy a wallet that a friend of ours asked him to buy when a fight (suspected to be a frat war) […]