My road to Korea was definitely NOT easy. First there was all the overtime I spent in the office fulfilling new responsibilities that my new role entailed. Second was the problem with my visa – I was scheduled to leave last Sunday with Mina and Jo but my visa was not released on time. In […]
People’s Park in the Sky, Tagaytay {Deetour}
Thom initiated a crazy plan out of the blue, and the rest of us, bored on a Saturday, decided to go along with his plan. We soon found ourselves posing for crazy “concept” pictures in People’s Park in the Sky in Tagaytay. Most of us can definitely be actors, right? 😝 Then we had dinner at RMS […]
Boracay Getaway {Deetour}
After four long months of waiting, July 8 finally rolled around and found me and four of my housemates headed for Kalibo inside a Cebu Pacific airplane. It didn’t start out well, though. Since it’s July and not exactly summer, it was raining on the morning of our departure, that’s why during the first part […]
Summer in the Summer Capital, Baguio {Deetour}
Summer found Chu, Maya and me in the summer capital of the Philippines, Baguio City. All three of us slept through our 3am alarms on Friday, April 14, so we decided to extend our original one-nighter plan to two nights. So we reached the Victory Liner bus station just in time to board the bus minutes […]
Puerto Galera: Poor Man’s Boracay {Deetour}
Poor man’s Boracay. That’s what Puerto Galera is called, said my friend. So since Boracay is three whole months away, Chu and I thought we’d get a sneak peek by hitching along with Gay and her cousins in their Puerto Galera outing. Early Saturday morning, the three of us rode a bus to Alabang, where […]
A Breath of Fresh Air in Batangas {Deetour}
It was off to Batangas for me and my P&G friendz last Friday night. We split up and rode Dom’s and Jerome’s cars. Janice, Gelle, Jerome and I rode with Doms in his car while Yen, Drew, Arni and Rich rode in Jerome’s new CRV which was driven by his brother. We met in the office […]
Triple G Beach Resort, Batangas {Deetour}
To celebrate Boss Ed’s promotion to partnership level and Feb’s passing the CISA as well as his birthday, we Laya Mananghaya pips (Boss Ed, Feb, Chu, Reylyn, Mhiles, Donna & Jade) went on an outing in Laiya beach, Batangas. On Saturday morning we met in Mcdo Paseo and piled into Boss Ed’s car. He drove […]
An Enchanted Evening at Enchanted Kingdom {Deetour}
I am not particularly fond of heights. Scratch that…I hate heights. I fear them so much that I used to have falling nightmares all the time. You know, the one where you’d fall off from somewhere (sometimes from some not-so-high place, even) and go hurtling towards the ground for what seems like forever and just […]
The One in Baguio
After weeks of anticipation, our long-awaited joint birthday celebration for five finally pushed through. And the destination…BAGUIO! On the night of October 21, we assembled at the back of our building where our rented van was to pick all twelve of us up. When it finally arrived, we laughed in amusement at the sight. It […]
Bohol {Deetour}
My friend Boss Ed invited me to Bohol three weeks ago, saying he’d shoulder my plane fare with his free air miles. As I wasn’t a regular employee yet at my office I had doubts that I’d be able to ask for a leave. But a free trip to Bohol was too good an offer to […]