I’m a pretty adventurous person who is willing to try a lot of things at least once, like these items on my bucket list (things to do before I die) and reverse bucket list (30 things I did before 30).
But I have my limits, and today, I trawled through a list of typical things on other people’s bucket lists and picked out the items that I don’t ever see myself doing. An anti-bucket list, if you will.
(1) Bungee jump
I’m scared of heights and I tend to throw up after roller coaster rides. So you can’t pay me a million bucks to give myself the ultimate dizzies. (The funny thing is that I do want to skydive, though. In my mind, they seem like two very different things. Skydive has a good point – I would do it for the glorious view. But bungee jumping just for the thrill? Nope.)

via Giphy.com
(2) Get a tattoo
I am pretty flaky, as evidenced by how many times I’ve changed my blog name and design in the past decade of its existence. I just know that if I get something I thought I really loved etched onto my body, I would hate it after a couple of years and regret the decision forever. Besides, I also hate needles.
(3)Â Climb Mt. Everest
I’ve climbed a few mountains (i.e. Mt Maculot in the Philippines and Mt. Batur in Bali), and while they were interesting experiences, I’m not particularly keen on doing it again, never mind scale the highest peak in the world.

Photo op with former colleague Romi Garduce, the third Filipino to ever climb Mt Everest, when we planted trees in Hundred Islands with him
(4) Be a vegetarian or vegan
I love fruits and vegetables and eat them daily, but this girl does not live on bread and veggies and fruits alone. I tried going on vegetarian diets before and couldn’t even last a couple of days. I love meat too much, and I can’t even imagine giving up milk and cheese. The horror.
(5) Fold 1000 origami cranes
Legend says that if you fold 1000 origami cranes, you will be granted a wish by a crane. I just don’t think I have the patience to go through all that for one wish. I’d rather throw coins into a well or blow on fallen lashes or catch raindrops on my tongue or play tug-of-war with wishbones or pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, coz I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now…
(6) Skinny dip
I am too self conscious to disrobe in a locker room or spa or community shower or in a bedroom when there are other people present. I can’t imagine ever accomplishing this.
(7) Go to a music festival
I love listening to songs and singing them, but I’m not really a concert goer. I enjoyed watching Bamboo and Maroon 5 when I was invited along for the ride, but I would not purposely seek one out on my own. I would much rather spend my money on musicals.
(8) Join a triathlon
IÂ barely even finished the fun color run 5k marathon. Why would I subject myself to the torture of one that is more than three times the effort?
(9) Eat Fear Factor-worthy food
I like experimenting with food, but I am not adventurous enough to eat bugs or worms or any of those gross stuff. I don’t even like eating balot, the famous Philippine duck egg with a developing duck embryo. I ate it once, in the dark. I don’t ever want to again.
(10) Go to Antarctica
My bucket list includes a lot of places I want to visit, and this cold place is not on it. It just does not appeal to me at all. I’d rather spend my money on other trips. Who cares if I don’t get to visit all the continents of the world? I’m unlikely to get to 6, anyway.
What about you, what things would you never see yourself doing?
This post is part of the A to Z Challenge, a blog hop that goes through the alphabet for all the days of April except Sundays. Today’s feature is N for Never.
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Bungee jumping is high on my list of NOPEs too!
Although I do want to try skydiving.
Feel a whole lot better about jumping out of a plane if there’s someone there who could die with me hahaha. How twisted is that!
The Balot is a no for me and perhaps Mt. Everest. I may die on the way! If you’re not into cold places, then I suppose you’d dread Canada too! Won’t you visit me?
What a fun list!
I’m with you on the bungee jumping. Although I did a cliff jump once (at Seven Falls in Bacolod, Negros.) I don’t have any desire to fall and be bounced around at the end of the jump.
I’m also with you on the tattoo. I change my mind way too often for that.
As someone who spent roughly 3 years eating vegetarian, I could easily switch back to that. I also love music festivals.
As for balot, I take the same approach. I tried it once, just for the experience. Now I don’t ever intend to try it again.
I can never be a vegetarian too. Once I tried having salad for lunch, I felt sooo weird after that. It’s like, my stomach feels short changed of something. Haha. Skinny dipping sounds real tempting, not sure if I would have courage to do though.
I am with you 100% on every one of these. Just can’t or won’t do it! I think I’m much older than you, but even when I was younger, I wasn’t into many of these things. (Except maybe the skinny dipping. I might have been convinced to do that one, even though I never did it!) I’ll let others do it and enjoy their experiences vicariously.
I am with you 100% on every one of these. Just can’t or won’t do it! I think I’m much older than you, but even when I was younger, I wasn’t into many of these things. (Except maybe the skinny dipping. I might have been convinced to do that one, even though I never did it!) I’ll let others do it and enjoy their experiences vicariously.
What a fun list!
I’m with you on the bungee jumping. Although I did a cliff jump once (at Seven Falls in Bacolod, Negros.) I don’t have any desire to fall and be bounced around at the end of the jump.
I’m also with you on the tattoo. I change my mind way too often for that.
As someone who spent roughly 3 years eating vegetarian, I could easily switch back to that. I also love music festivals.
As for balot, I take the same approach. I tried it once, just for the experience. Now I don’t ever intend to try it again.
I can never be a vegetarian too. Once I tried having salad for lunch, I felt sooo weird after that. It’s like, my stomach feels short changed of something. Haha. Skinny dipping sounds real tempting, not sure if I would have courage to do though.
The Balot is a no for me and perhaps Mt. Everest. I may die on the way! If you’re not into cold places, then I suppose you’d dread Canada too! Won’t you visit me?
Bungee jumping is high on my list of NOPEs too!
Although I do want to try skydiving.
Feel a whole lot better about jumping out of a plane if there’s someone there who could die with me hahaha. How twisted is that!