I’m happy to announce that I will finally learn to play the guitar and get proper music lessons from Aureus Academy! [Update: My third month progress review!]

Okay, so maybe I’m not that kid in the picture anymore. But who says only children can learn to play musical instruments? It’s a skill that even adults can pick up… I hope. I mean, time will tell if I can actually pick it up. But I have faith because Aureus Academy was voted best for one-to-one music lessons in Singapore by Parents World Magazine.

Well, Someday came. I had my trial music lesson a few days ago. Aureus Academy actually has a lot of music lessons available, including piano, violin, and drums. I was torn between vocal or guitar lessons, since acoustic songs are my favourite genre. So I decided to trial both, to see what I would have a better feel for.
Vocal lessons are probably easier since I already know how to sing and just need some fine tuning. But I realised guitar is a better challenge because it’s something completely new to add to my set of skills, even though I may be scared that it would be too hard for me to learn. But as Chris Evans said: “Maybe the thing that you’re most scared of is exactly the thing you should push yourself into.”
Maybe it’s a sign that I should totally listen to Chris Evans because my teacher is:

Cap – err – Steven (as he said he wants to be called) is a very nice, patient teacher. He helped me do guitar exercises to check that my fingers were perfectly capable of holding all the chords correctly. Then he let me try out the chords to Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” which only has four chords throughout the song.

It was slow-going because I’ve never attempted to learn guitar before. But by the end of the session I had managed to play the whole song. Kind of. I hope someday I will get to play it the way it’s meant to sound! By that I mean not in super slow mo with awkward pauses. 😅

It was also nice that they had a beginner’s acoustic guitar with nylon strings, which is softer on the fingers. Since I don’t have my own guitar, I can buy one for just S$90. They also provide a rental service for the more expensive guitars. So you can test them out before deciding to buy one of your own.
I will have my first proper lesson on Sunday, and on all Sundays after that. I’m glad they have a branch in I12 Katong mall, which is so near where I live. Wish me luck!

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