Beulah is back in Hong Kong after over 2 months in the Philippines, so after her 7 day quarantine (down from 21, how lucky is she?), we celebrated her freedom by heading to King’s flat on the 30th. King likes to cook, so Beulah had jokingly suggested she cook for us, but King actually agreed.
On the way to the MTR station, I passed by this beautiful blossoming tree at Star Street. Spring has sprung!

Then when I reached Kennedy Town station, I walked toward’s King’s apartment block and came across a restaurant called Chill and Grill which had a bunch of cute looking tin cans on its display window. I had to go in and buy one because I am a sucker for packaging.

Turns out the tins have cookies in them – called Magpie by C&G – and the saleslady let me taste the butter and chocolate apiece so I could decide what I wanted. I was surprised at how they were so melts-in-your-mouth soft. I chose the butter one because butter cookies are my favorite, kind of like Rebecca in Ted Lasso.

That’s Beulah in the picture. I asked her to model the cookies for me and she smiled, thinking she was part of the picture. I said she wasn’t, then snapped a pic including her when she laughed about it.
We were shocked when we saw what King had cooked. There was just four of us, why this much?!? It’s like we had a tray for each one!

Everything was yummy, especially the chicken which came with a side of garlic mayonnaise which was such a hit, they asked for the recipe.
May, as usual, bought some desserts – pastries from Eric Kayser. She also surprised us with presents from Muji – a cute eco tote bag and sour cream pretzels.

Then we just spent the night catching up because we hadn’t seen each other since we met for CNY brunch at Frites in early February, shortly before the Covid 5th wave restrictions were put into place.
Somehow through the course of the night, Beulah suggested we make a vlog. At first they joked that they would make Camote Cue podcast to rival our Banana Q podcast.
I said we should come up with a name, and May said, “How about Wonder Girls but it’s A instead of O?” I thought that was a cool idea then said, “Why not women though, because we’re not girls anymore? So Wander Women?”
Everyone liked the idea but said we should put Hong Kong somewhere in there, so HK Wander Women was the name we eventually agreed on. I signed us up for Gmail and Instagram and then we’ll see what happens next!
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