Two weekends ago, my friend Dred and I got inspired by my adventure post and decided to embark on an “adventure” of sorts.
We decided to head to Tanjong Beach on Sentosa Island so we could lie down on the sand and read books.
Okay, so it’s not exactly an exciting adventure, but we just wanted to go somewhere that was not our bedrooms. This was adventure enough for us, okay?
We had late lunch at Poulet in Bedok Mall before taking the trains to Sentosa Island. Once there, we bought some Gong Cha iced milk tea and Old Changkee.
Then one of us accidentally left her iPhone 6 on the Old Changkee counter and did not even realize it until a girl went running after her to return it. Singaporeans are such honest people, bless their hearts.
We got on the tram that led to Tanjong Beach.
Then we got off the wrong stop, because we’re ditzes like that. We only discovered it when we realized that the beach looked different. So we had to walk back to the tram stop and wait for the tram again. Yeesh.
We eventually got to the right beach, though, and found a spot on the sand to spread out our shawls and break out our books. We were not able to do much reading, though, because Dred got distracted by the people playing volleyball and decided to watch them instead, while the sea breeze was so deliciously soothing that it lulled me to sleep with my book as my pillow. I only woke up when a volleyball hit me on the head. Ouch! :-/
After being rudely roused from sleep, I had no choice but to stay awake and read my book, because by then I was too nervous to sleep again lest the same thing happened.
The volleyball players eventually packed up their stuff when the sun disappeared from the sky. At that point, Dred and I lay on our backs and looked up at the inky black sky to gaze at the stars winking at us.
I told Dred about how our high school Science teacher once tasked us to star-gaze and draw the constellations on our notebooks. So I would crawl up on our cool steel roof and do just that. I thought the big dipper looked like a horse’s head. I must have failed that project.
I wanted to take Dred to Tanjong Beach Club, because that was the place where I first tried truffle fries and Moscato wine and fell in love with them.
Unfortunately there was an event that night, so we could not go in. So we decided to find another bar instead.
We rode the tram again and hopped off Siloso Beach. We walked into the first bar we saw – Bikini Bar.
It wasn’t fancy or anything, but we loved the view of the shore and the sea.
Dred also loved the beer bottles on the ceiling, and when she pointed it out, I jumped off my chair to take a snap. “It’s a blogger thing!” she laughed.
We ordered Bulmer’s cider. It was our first time to try that brand. She loved it; I didn’t. I still prefer the sweeter Somersby. She remembered that this was the brand Jemma had been hunting for all over Singapore, so we asked her about it. Jemma said she wanted the raspberry flavoured one, but the bar had none.
We also ordered a plate of nachos for sharing. It was a gigantic serving, which would have been awesome if the nachos had tasted great, but they didn’t. “Why are we eating these nachos when they taste like paper?” I wondered. She shrugged through a mouthful of it.
Some of the guys sitting on the booth next to us were cute. They also photobombed us in our picture. It was an awful picture, so I won’t be posting it.
We left before midnight, so we could still catch the train to our homes.
I definitely enjoyed our little “adventure.” I will certainly miss Dred when she goes off on a work trip to the Philippines for a few months.
Love that you’ve started incorporating adventure into the “everyday”.
Shame the nachos tasted so bad though! xx
Thanks! Yes, tis a shame indeed. Oh well!
dee! i miss you everyday! good thing i have your blog to update me with all sg happenings and others! not to mention the whatsapp and Im;-) ayiii! you are one sweet friend! love you
Aww I miss you more! (Ginaya ka na parang magjowa lang lols)
See you soon! xx
dee! i miss you everyday! good thing i have your blog to update me with all sg happenings and others! not to mention the whatsapp and Im;-) ayiii! you are one sweet friend! love you
Aww I miss you more! (Ginaya ka na parang magjowa lang lols)
See you soon! xx
Love that you’ve started incorporating adventure into the “everyday”.
Shame the nachos tasted so bad though! xx
Thanks! Yes, tis a shame indeed. Oh well!