I have to admit that most videos on this list are old ones which you’ve probably already seen, but these are oldies but goodies. So if you haven’t seen them yet, now is the time! (1) When Love Arrives “I know exactly what love looked like… in seventh grade. Even though I hadn’t met love […]
Archives for November 2013
{Letters and Links} Typhoon Haiyan
Dear all the countries who have sent aid to the Philippines, I am overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. What my country is going through right now is devastating and you going out of your way to help us just restores my faith in humanity. THANK YOU. If you still want to donate (please do!), […]
{Movie Review} Thor: The Dark World
Today is Thor’s day! Did you know that Thursday was named after Thor? So I thought it fitting to blog about Thor today, this being his day and all. Ahem. I am a huge fan of the Avengers movies and I got infatuated with Thor during the first movie and kept gushing about him then. […]
I Couldn’t Have Imagined How Good My Life Would Get
The Big Bang Theory is one of my favorite TV shows. I can always count on it to make me laugh out loud literally. But a few weeks ago, they had an episode that made me tear up, not from laughter, but from being touched. This was when Howard decided to celebrate the anniversary of […]
{Dating Diaries} a Boy in a Bar part 2
To all the people who have been waiting for this sequel, I am sorry. I did not mean to make you wait this long, seriously, I am no torturer like Moffat. I meant to continue immediately but I got distracted by life and a bunch of things, so… Meanwhile, to those who have no idea […]
7 Fun Facts About Filipinos
As you know (I’m assuming, since it’s on my about page and all), I am a Filipino – someone who came from the Philippines. Since the Philippines is such a small country, a lot of people have probably never heard of it or if they had, they know little about it and its people, so […]
{Letters and Links} New Domain, Christmas Cards, & Food Coma
Dear Readers, Notice anything new? What do you think of my new domain? I actually owned deecoded.com a couple years ago but I stupidly gave it up when I thought I wouldn’t really blog that much anymore, so now if I want it back I have to pay $400+ for it because it has become […]
{Expat Diaries} Lost in Translation
One of the biggest struggles of a new expat has got to be conversation. I’m lucky that I moved to a country where most people can speak English fluently (just like the Philippines, I’d like to point out), but they have a different accent compared to ours, so it still wasn’t easy. I clearly remember […]
Betchie Bye Golly Wow
She’s out of my life…She’s out of my life…And I don’t know whether to laugh or cryI don’t know whether to live or dieAnd it cuts like a knife…She’s out of my life… Okay, so maybe that song is a tad exaggerrated. It is true that my friend Betchie is out of my (Singapore) life, […]
7 Photos, 7 Quotes Challenge
I was pleased when Emma of Adventures of a London Kiwi invited me to participate in this challenge. I am a huge fan of quotes AND photographs, so I’m sure you understand why this is like being invited to a party with all my favorite food AND people. Win-win. 😉 All pictures are mine, and […]