Dear Brother, Thank you again for giving me my first (super advanced) birthday gift for this year, the ipad mini which was the #1 item on my wish list. It’s the perfect gadget to surf the web, read blogs and books, write blogs, and draw cartoons, and I adore it to bits! This gift reminds […]
Wish List 2012
So everyone has been asking me what I plan to do on my 30th birthday, which is a month away from now, and I still don’t know. Argh. Not that I’m out of ideas, hello, this is me we’re talking about, but it’s the budget and the logistics that stump me. If I could have […]
Wish List 2011
My birthday is less than a month away so if you’re stumped on what to get me, I am not even pretending that I’m dropping hints. I am laying it out here for you to see! LOL! Also, it’s fun to write down these wishes and look back on them years later and find, to […]
Wish List 2007
A friend of mine asked me what I wanted for my birthday which is coming in a couple of weeks. I asked if she was being general or she meant what I wanted from her specifically, because I might answer “world peace.” She said I was crazy and she couldn’t possibly give me world peace. […]
Wish List 2005
I never believed in Santa Claus. My parents were too damn practical and didn’t lead me on about him in the first place. Perhaps this is a wise decision, but somehow I feel… cheated. Cheated of my childhood. Cheated of Christmas. We never had a real Christmas tree, too, nor Christmas stockings stuffed with sweets […]